As well as battering through a load of Underhive/Space Hulk terrain I decided it was time to step outside the confines of Hive City and brave the ash storms, muties and nomad raiders that lurk in the wastes. Given time I’d like to paint up enough terrain to fill a partially ruined settlement and although I would have loved to do more during the Season of Scenery challenge I knew that with my focus on the Underhive it would be a struggle to do more than get started on this second project. Still, I managed a few things, including getting the first of these Necromundan platforms painted. If it looks like it’s at a wonky angle blame my “from the hip” photography, I took these pictures in a hurry!
I also completed a set of bridges which in time will link the various buildings together.
Fuel tanks make a tempting target for raiders and local gangers will be desperate to defend them.
I like the idea of setting up the two boards; one for the outlands and one for the Underhive and having something to visually link them together and represent the point on the tabletop where models can move from one board to the other. Whilst raiders race through the settlement outside guards struggle to hold them back from entering the tunnels beneath the hive itself. Meanwhile reinforcements rush to their aid, only to encounter raider scouts already lurking in the tunnels. My own Necromunda campaigns have been centered around the Goliath stronghold of Ironhouse, and the tunnels beneath it which form a backdoor into Hive Gorgantha hidden from the guilds and Enforcers. These tunnels have been the scene of fierce fighting between Goliaths, Eschers and Genestealer Cultists, all trying to take control of the illegal trade that flows through from the Ash Wastes. Similar tunnels to the northwest of Ironhouse link the outposts at Chem-Lakes and Pit-Hole with the trash warrens around Sumpside where Cawdor gangers and Chaos-worshipping helots conduct their endless holy wars. This grate, with it’s hatch open, looks like just the place where gangers might scramble down into the dark depths.
For now that’s all I’ve done for this project but I’ll be returning to it in the months ahead. Meanwhile though I’ve got one more Season of Scenery post to upload, as we look at all the fantasy terrain I snuck in alongside these Necromunda projects. The photos are mostly taken so expect to see that in the next couple of days.